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IGeLU 2022 Hybrid Conference and Developers' Day 12 -15th September, 2022

du 12 au 15 September 2022

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD) - North Road, Cardiff CF10 3ER, UK

Conference Theme: Still here! - the library in the new normal

IGeLU website: IGeLU 2022 Annual Conference | Program in Google Sheet

Central patron and staff user management in the Alma NZ and SLSP’s product SLSKey

mercredi 14 septembre 2022 à 09:40–10:10 BST add to calendar
Richard Burton Theatre

Physical session (+ live streaming with Zoom)

Session Abstract

One key asset for SLSP is to have a central user management across the NZ and all IZs in Alma. For the first time ever, SLSP moved the entire management of staff and patron users to the NZ level so that user privileges can be handled, managed and be effective in one single point in the system and not separately and reproduced in 30 IZs. SLSP used the national infrastructure of the SWITCH edu-ID with a central national registration platform. Based on this identification principle, SLSP created the service SLSKey. SLSKey is an extension of the edu-ID beyond Alma to enable SSO for local library applications of 3rd party products such as streaming or sharing services.
The presentation will outline how a central user management in the NZ was implemented by SLSP, how it interacts in the structure with 30 IZs and the benefits for SLSP. Additionally, the service SLSKey will be presented and explained.


Development / Initiative

Ex Libris Products
Primo / Primo VE
Area of Focus


Target Audience Skill Level
None — General Audience


Jeanette Isele, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform)
Presenter's job title

Head of System & Configuration, SLSP Network Services

LinkedIn URL

Twitter URL


Jürgen Küssow, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform)
Co-presenter's job title

Vice director

LinkedIn URL

Twitter URL
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