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IGeLU 2022 Hybrid Conference and Developers' Day 12 -15th September, 2022

del 12 al 15 de September del 2022

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD) - North Road, Cardiff CF10 3ER, UK

Conference Theme: Still here! - the library in the new normal

IGeLU website: IGeLU 2022 Annual Conference | Program in Google Sheet

Are two tools better than one? Challenges and opportunities in research data management using Converis and Esploro

jueves, el 15 de septiembre de 2022 a las 11:15–11:45 BST add to calendar
Simon Gibson Studio

Physical session (+ live streaming with Zoom)

Session Abstract

The Free University of Bozen-Bolzano has adopted both Clarivate's Converis and Esploro as Research Information Systems. Converis plays an important role in the management of all research-related administrative tasks. Integrated with the local applications for users and financial information, it stores the data related to institutional research activity. It is used to manage users, project applications, ongoing and completed projects, patents, publications metadata, fulltexts, activities and study plans for PhD students. The public interface for Converis was a hosted installation of DSpace and now it is provided by Esploro, implemented as multi-institution repository by the library as early adopter in 2020. Key drivers, the main issues and challenges in the current scenario, also in consideration of the recent acquisition of ProQuest by Clarivate, are discussed in this presentation.



Ex Libris Products
Target Audience Skill Level
None — General Audience


Paolo Buoso, Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
Presenter's job title

Library Deputy Director

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