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IGeLU 2022 Hybrid Conference and Developers' Day 12 -15th September, 2022

du 12 au 15 September 2022

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD) - North Road, Cardiff CF10 3ER, UK

Conference Theme: Still here! - the library in the new normal

IGeLU website: IGeLU 2022 Annual Conference | Program in Google Sheet

Primo Working Group Business Meeting

jeudi 15 septembre 2022 à 11:15–11:45 BST add to calendar
Rowe-Beddoe Studio

Physical session (+ live streaming with Zoom)

Session Abstract

Update on the activities of the IGeLU Primo Working Group.


Meeting (SC, WG, NUG...)

Ex Libris Products

Primo / Primo VE

Target Audience Skill Level

None — General Audience


Stacey van Groll, University of Queensland, Australia
Presenter's job title

Discovery and Access Manager

LinkedIn URL
Twitter URL


Nili Natan, Ex Libris
Co-presenter's job title

Product Manager

LinkedIn URL

Twitter URL
Yisrael Kuchar, Ex Libris
Co-presenter's job title

Vice President of Product Management

LinkedIn URL

Twitter URL
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