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IGeLU 2022 Hybrid Conference and Developers' Day 12 -15th September, 2022

del 12 al 15 de September del 2022

Royal Welsh College of Music and Drama (RWCMD) - North Road, Cardiff CF10 3ER, UK

Conference Theme: Still here! - the library in the new normal

IGeLU website: IGeLU 2022 Annual Conference | Program in Google Sheet

Migrating to Primo VE in a pandemic with a shared ILS: What could possibly go wrong?

jueves, el 15 de septiembre de 2022 a las 13:30–14:00 BST add to calendar
Rowe-Beddoe Studio

Physical session (+ live streaming with Zoom)

Session Abstract

In this presentation, we will discuss the hurdles encountered at our individual institutions, in addition to the considerations required for migrating in a shared consortial environment and the work that entailed. Specifically, we will look at issues of COVID-related staffing and burnout at our individual institutions and the changing landscape of collaboration at the Orbis Cascade Alliance. We will then consider the transition from a centrally-managed Primo (PBO) to a hybrid model that incorporates both consortial and institutional responsibility (VE). Lastly, we will discuss the loss of functional parity between PBO and VE and how that has transformed certain of our working groups’ workflows and responsibilities.


Migration / Implementation

Ex Libris Products

Primo / Primo VE

Area of Focus


Target Audience Skill Level

None — General Audience


Anne M. Pepitone, University of Washington Libraries
Presenter's job title

Head, Integrated Library Systems

LinkedIn URL

Twitter URL


Blake Lee Galbreath, Washington State University
Co-presenter's job title

Core Services Librarian

LinkedIn URL
Twitter URL