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Exchange, Elevate, Equity, Engage, Energize, Empower (GSCA 2022 Annual Conference)

Nudging for School Counselors: Using Choice Architecture to Improve Student Outcomes

miércoles, el 9 de noviembre de 2022 a las 09:15–10:15 EST
Vernon Room
Target Audience


Select the Primary experience level your Proposal will benefit the most

Appropriate for All Counselors

Please select the Primary interest area your proposal covers

Tips and Technology


Choice architecture is a concept from Behavioral Economics that looks at how to encourage people to make choices that are in their best interest, while still allowing for autonomy of choice. In this session, presenters will teach the basic principles of choice architecture, and will facilitate a discussion on how school counselors can apply its principles to help increase students' taking advanced classes, participating in extracurricular activities, promoting post-secondary attendance, and other important student issues.


Morgan, Kiper Riechel
George, McMahon
Katie, Wood