Tentative Schedule for the 2022 ATRA Annual Conference (subject to change)
Serious Fun?: Rethinking the ways we portray Recreational Therapy
Session Description/Research Abstract
How do we portray ourselves to our clients, professionals, and other stakeholders? Are you frustrated with “not getting respect”? Are you needing to let others know what your department does and what the benefits of RT programming are? This session will examine ways we address each of the concerns while not losing what is unique to our profession, humor and fun. The session is a hands-on opportunity to develop an educational program for stakeholders, as part of the program development process we will discuss outcomes and objectives as they relate to a variety of stakeholders. We will highlight why recreation is important with various populations as we find a balance between fun and therapy in our settings.
Primary Presenter
Susan M Wilson, SUNY Cortland
Biographical Information
Head Shot
Jason Page, Syracuse Behavioral Healthcare and Clemson University