Using Leganto Data to Create a Student Savings Dashboard
Session Abstract
Demonstrating cost savings for students through the use of library licensed materials and resources is an important metric for university and college libraries. Using Leganto and Alma data, and Tableau, the University of Minnesota Libraries has developed a student savings dashboard that shows potential "cost avoidance" for students and courses that use Leganto through Canvas. In this session, we will describe how we built the dashboard, how we compute savings, what we use the dashboard for, and plans for the tool. We also welcome feedback and other ideas!
Learning Outcome #1
Participants will learn how we use Tableau to build a student savings dashboard with Leganto and Alma data.
Learning Outcome #2
Participants will learn about how we compute student savings for course materials, and how they can use those same computations.
Applicable Ex Libris Product
Target Audience Skill Level
None — General Audience