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ELUNA 2023 Annual Meeting

What We Did in the Shadows

Wednesday, May 10, 2023 at 10:45 AM–11:30 AM PDT
Palos Verdes
Customer Breakout
Session Abstract

In January of 2022, VCU Libraries Hosted its first “Discovery Summit.” The goal of this was to bring to light various processes and procedures undertaken by the then Digital Engagement and Enterprise Systems departments in relation to Resource Discovery. We invited Librarians to present on topics familiar to them, and we discussed some of our short- and long-term plans for discovery, including the impact of our recent migration to Primo VE. We also used this as a chance to share how we make decisions on which initiatives to undertake, based upon a variety of factors. In this presentation, we’ll share what we learned in planning the event, how it went, what we are doing as far as followup. We will also have time set aside to hear from the audience about any similar events they have done, or how they handle requests, so that all can learn from others. 


Learning Outcome #1

Learn how to host a Discovery Summit

Learning Outcome #2

How to get others to participate

Learning Outcome #3

Learn how to share decision making processes with others



Applicable Ex Libris Product

Primo VE

Target Audience Skill Level
None — General Audience


Tim J Siegel, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries
Thomas McNulty, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) Libraries