Tools for Building Collection Discovery Displays
Session Abstract
Since migrating to Summon and Alma our library has struggled to completely replicate some of the Curated Lists functionality that we previously used. We observed a need for these across many areas, including new book lists, course reserves, and highlighted collections for in-house displays. With the announcement that Alma Collections are now available to Summon over Alma libraries, we began to investigate how those might integrate into our discovery landscape. Doing this inspired us to consider how Alma Collections compares with other solutions that were already available to us, specifically Syndetics Unbound book display widgets and directly using the Alma API. We discovered that all of these can work together. This presentation will compare each of these tools, including functionality, points of integration, challenges to implementation, and why a library might choose different solutions for different needs.
Learning Outcome #1
At the end of this session, participants will be able to create collection displays using a variety of tools.
Applicable Ex Libris Product
Summon/360 Services
Target Audience Skill Level