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IGeLU 2023 Conference and Developers' Day

September 11–14, 2023

Leuven, Belgium

>> Presentations and Recordings <<

Except for sessions marked as "Physical session only (no live streaming)", all sessions are accessible to physical and virtual participants.

Business Analysis in the Library, a use case in implementing the RFID Live Scanning Wand for stocktake

Monday, September 11, 2023 at 2:40 PM–3:10 PM CEST add to calendar
Room AV 04.17
Session Abstract

The presentation will discuss how The University of Sydney Library applied business analysis principles, to leverage both Alma functionality and new technology, when we implemented the RFID Live Scanning Wand for collection stock-take process in a very large multi-campus environment.


Development / Initiative

Products or Areas of Focus

Physical session (+ live streaming with Zoom)


Caroline Serrano, Digital Services Analyst, University of Sydney
LinkedIn URL
Twitter URL
Lisa McIntosh, Director Access Services, University of Sydney
LinkedIn URL
Twitter URL


Gijs Noels, LIBISnet Product Manager, KULeuven/LIBIS
Cindy Greenspun, Project Manager, Yale University