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IGeLU 2023 Conference and Developers' Day

del 11 al 14 de September del 2023

Leuven, Belgium

>> Presentations and Recordings <<

Except for sessions marked as "Physical session only (no live streaming)", all sessions are accessible to physical and virtual participants.

Integrating ILL Systems and Workflows by Rapido

martes, el 12 de septiembre de 2023 a las 16:10–16:40 CEST add to calendar
Room AV 04.17
Session Abstract

Goodbye to the old ILL system and workflows that ran for 20 years. The presenter of this session will describe the decision and the Rapido implementation process of Lingnan University Library with a consortium partner, how this changes our staff and user workflow on the overall resources sharing and interlibrary loan requests, and how it fulfils our expectations.


Migration / Implementation

Products or Areas of Focus

RapidILL / Rapido


Physical session (+ live streaming with Zoom)


Jeff Liu, Associate Librarian, Lingnan University
LinkedIn URL
Twitter URL


Aronne Watkins, Head of Access & Discovery Services, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform)
Gijs Noels, LIBISnet Product Manager, KULeuven/LIBIS