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CRRA 2023 Conference and Trade Show

del 13 al 16 de August del 2023

Hyatt Regency Burlingame, CA

SB 1383 Update from CalRecycle

lunes, el 14 de agosto de 2023 a las 16:00–17:30 PDT
Grand Peninsula Ballroom (E, F, G)

Organics / Procurement

Session Description

It has been over a year since the January 1, 2022 implementation date of SB 1383.  You may want to know: What has been happening at CalRecycle regarding jurisdiction compliance? Are facilities really meeting all the requirements? How are cities and counties meeting their procurement targets?  During this session, CalRecycle will be providing an update on SB 1383.  Hear about compliance evaluations and Corrective Action Plans.  Get an update on facility sampling measurement results, why sampling is so important, and how you can ensure sampling is done correctly.  Lastly, gain an understanding of how jurisdictions are meeting their required procurement targets.  Attendees will gain first-hand updates from CalRecycle along with new tips to assist you in meeting the requirements of SB 1383.  



Ashlee Yee, CalRecycle

Environmental Program Manager II

Speaker Biography

Ashlee Yee has worked with CalRecycle for over ten years.  Ashlee oversees the Jurisdiction and Agency Compliance and Enforcement Branch, which evaluates jurisdictions’ and agencies’ compliance of our state laws including SB 1383. Previously, Ashlee worked in the Local Assistance and Market Development Branch, where she focused on the implementation of state laws such as mandatory commercial recycling, mandatory commercial organics recycling, short-lived climate pollutants, and state agency recycling as well as the State Agency Buy Recycled Campaign.  Ashlee is a graduate from UC Santa Cruz.

Abstract Title

CalRecycle Local Jurisdiction and Non-Local Entity Compliance Updates

Speaker Abstract

CAP, SB 619, CE and NLE.  There have been a lot of abbreviations coming out of CalRecycle and CalRecycle wants to let you in on what they have been up to.  Learn a little more and get a status update about corrective action plans (CAP) (including those on them from SB 619), compliance evaluations (CE), and what is happening with non-local entities (NLE).  Attendees will get an understanding of what each of these elements are and what CalRecycle plans on accomplishing with them.  Learn about what is coming up at CalRecycle and the Department’s expectations.

Trisha Moore, CalRecycle

Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist)

Speaker Biography

Trisha Moore is a Senior Environmental Scientist (Specialist) in the Waste Permitting Compliance & Mitigation Division, Solid Waste Enforcement Section currently working on the enforcement of the Recycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS) regulations. She has been with CalRecycle for over 20 years including time in the Knowledge Integration Section working on the previous Disposal Reporting System (DRS) and on recruitment for Waste Characterization Studies. Trisha graduated from California State University, Sacramento with a bachelor’s degree in Geography.

Abstract Title

Solid Waste Facilities, Sampling Measurements, and RDRS

Speaker Abstract

With SB 1383’s implementation in 2022, CalRecycle has been receiving facility data from across the state via our Recycling and Disposal Reporting System (RDRS)CalRecycle is getting a better understanding about the flow of material and ideally, what it should look like.  Attendees will hear about facility sampling measurements, what CalRecycle is hoping to see, and how entities can assist in fixing gaps in the data collection.

Cara Morgan, CalRecycle

Deputy Director of Material Management and Local Assistance Division (MMLA)

Speaker Biography

Cara Morgan is the Branch Chief leading the Local Assistance and Market Development team at CalRecycle. Cara and her team are responsible for providing technical assistance for over 600 jurisdictions and 200 state agencies in California. Cara’s branch also works closely with each of the 40 Recycling Market Development zones in the state. Cara serves on the team that developed the SB 1383 regulations and is now leading teams on developing implementation tools and training for jurisdictions and stakeholders. Cara has over 30 years of experience successfully implementing and managing recycling, integrated waste management, and related environmental programs for California.

Abstract Title

Procurement Targets – Local Jurisdiction Strategies

Speaker Abstract

SB 1383 requires cities and counties to procure recovered organic waste products. If your jurisdiction is struggling to meet your procurement goals, learn from other jurisdictions. CalRecycle will walk you through the challenges jurisdictions have come across and strategies they are deploying. The audience will learn from different perspectives and potentially gain new tools towards reaching their procurement targets.


Catherine Blair, CalRecycle

Environmental Program Manager
