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IGeLU 2023 Conference and Developers' Day

September 11–14, 2023

Leuven, Belgium

>> Presentations and Recordings <<

Except for sessions marked as "Physical session only (no live streaming)", all sessions are accessible to physical and virtual participants.

Rialto, OpenRefine and Leganto: developing a bulk purchasing workflow

Wednesday, September 13, 2023 at 11:20 AM–11:50 AM CEST add to calendar
Room AV 02.17
Session Abstract

We wanted to maximise the potential of Rialto for our purchasing processes by utilising the bulk purchasing functionality. Part of the difficulty is that bulk purchasing in Rialto requires ISBNs. However, these were not always provided in the data. To address this, we turned to open source software, OpenRefine, and developed a workflow for title matching and bringing into our data the associated ISBNs via the Jisc Library Hub API. We have successfully trialled this with 200 purchase suggestions. We are now adapting the workflow to Leganto citations currently without repository, including implementing ranking profiles within Rialto to reduce manual checking and boost preferred formats and licence types.


Practical Applications

Products or Areas of Focus
General / Other

Physical session (+ live streaming with Zoom)


Isabel Benton, Access & Acquisitions Manager: Acquisitions & Reading Lists, University of Leeds
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Elly Cope, Head of Access & Acquisitions, University of Leeds
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Twitter URL


Ian Hey, Library Systems Manager, University of Central Lancashire
Alex Forrest, Systems Librarian, University of Edinburgh