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IGeLU 2023 Conference and Developers' Day

del 11 al 14 de September del 2023

Leuven, Belgium

>> Presentations and Recordings <<

Except for sessions marked as "Physical session only (no live streaming)", all sessions are accessible to physical and virtual participants.

Rapido Working Group Open Meeting

miércoles, el 13 de septiembre de 2023 a las 11:20–11:50 CEST add to calendar
Room Couvreur (M01.E50)
Session Abstract

Are you currently using Rapido or are you curious about it? Join the Rapido Working Group during an open meeting to discuss progress on current projects and give your input. The meeting will begin with a short presentation on the group, its projects as well as its views on the benefits and uses of Rapido. The session will then open up for input and questions on Rapido from those in attendance. Attendees will also be encouraged to share their thoughts and ideas on the group's work and on future improvements of Rapido. Overall, the meeting will provide insights into the Rapido working group and will shape its future initiatives.


Meeting (SC, WG, NUG...)

Products or Areas of Focus

RapidILL / Rapido


Physical session only (no live streaming)

Attendance Note

This WG/CoP meeting is open to all.


Aronne Watkins, Head of Access & Discovery Services, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform)
LinkedIn URL

Twitter URL
Jürgen Küssow, Vice director, SLSP (Swiss Library Service Platform)
LinkedIn URL

Twitter URL
Sylvain Courret, Systems librarian, BCU Lausanne
LinkedIn URL
Twitter URL