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CRRA 2023 Conference and Trade Show

del 13 al 16 de August del 2023

Hyatt Regency Burlingame, CA

Zero Emissions Fleets - The Path to Achieving Future Goals

martes, el 15 de agosto de 2023 a las 16:30–18:00 PDT
Regency Ballroom C




Rob Hilton, HF&H Consultants


The Road to Zero Emissions




Veronica Pardo, Resource Recovery Coalition of California

Regulatory Affairs Director

Speaker Biography

Veronica Pardo has served as the Regulatory Affairs Director for the Resource Recovery Coalition of California for ten years, advocating on behalf of the waste and recycling industry. Recently her work has focused on organic waste recovery and the transition to zero emission fleets, as haulers face increasingly difficult regulatory expectations in California’s unremitting struggle to evade catastrophic climate change

Abstract Title

The Road to Zero Emissions

Speaker Abstract

Beginning in 2024, many public and private heavy-duty fleets will be required to start purchasing or exchanging their trucks for zero emission vehicles, including refuse vehicles.

In this presentation, attendees will learn about the California Air Resources Board (CARB) Advanced Clean Fleets regulation and public and private fleet regulatory expectations. They will also learn about a multi-year advocacy effort to include renewable natural gas derived from organic waste in the rulemaking. 

Finally, attendees will hear about how waste collection companies are grappling with zero emission technology and charging infrastructure requirements to meet these new regulations, while simultaneously working alongside their cities and counties to achieve SB 1383 organic waste diversion obligations.    

Come join us and together we can dicuss the road to zero emissions!


The Wild World of Refuse Vehicle Fleet Electrification



Session Description

We have compiled a panel of the leading experts in refuse fleet electrification, including one local government on the cutting edge of fleet electrification, as well as a leading manufacturer of emobility solutions in the solid waste space. The session will cover the experieinces that the local government agencies have had with electrifying their collection fleet, including purchasing, grant funding, infrastructure upgrades and other barriers to installing a high-voltage charging station, challenges with range, benefits of the vehicles, optimal route assignments, and where they see fleet electrification in the next 5-10 years. As a panelist, I will cover our consulting firms' experieince including electric vehicles in the competitive procurement process for our client cities and provide an overview of the state of the industry, incentives available, and share some of the extensive research we have conducted. Attendees will have a better understanding of the state of the electric refuse vehicle industry after the presentation and will understand the chalenges and opportunites of electrifying their collection fleet (or requiring their hauler to electrify their fleet). They will also understand the costs associated with electrification, vendors available to provide the capital, and the incentives available atthe state and federal level. 


Trevor Blythe, EcoNomics, Inc.

Vice President

Speaker Biography

Trevor Blythe has over 15 years of consulting experience with EcoNomics, Inc. in the sustainable materials management industry. Trevor works daily with local governments and private industry to overcome operational and financial barriers to implementing sustainability programs at the municipal and corporate scale. Trevor holds an Masters of Business Administration degree in sustainable management from the Presidio Graduate School in San Francisco. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Environmental Sciences from the University of California, Santa Barbara with an emphasis on Geographic Information Systems.  He also teaches 2 sustainability classes at Irvine Valley College. 

Abstract Title

The Wild World of Refuse Vehicle Fleet Electrification

Speaker Abstract

California is on the frontlines of scaling up electric vehicles to fight climate change. Indeed, CARB will phase out internal combustion engines in heavy duty vehicles, including refuse collection vehicles, by 2040. Not surprisingly, local governments and refuse collection vehicle equipment manufacturers are not waiting around until 2040 to scale up electification of refuse collection! We have compiled a panel of experts to discuss their experiences with fleet electrification, including representitives from local governments that have hands-on experieince with fleet electrification. The VP of eMobility for Mack trucks will also be on the panel to discuss the equipment manufacturers progress toward fleet electrification. Lastly, a sustainability consultant for local governments with experieince including electrification in RFPs will share an overview of the industry and the costs and benefits presented by fleet electrification. Any local government agency that is interested in fleet electrification, or who is considering requiring their contract hauler to expand its fleet of electric vehicles, should attend this session to understand the state of the indsutry, cost inmpacts, grant funding available, the challenges of electrification, what to expect in regards to installing charging infrastrure, vehicle performance, etc. 

Scott Sholz, Regional Waste Management Authority

Executive Director

Speaker Biography

Scott is the  Executive Director of Yuba/Sutter Regional Waste Management Authority. Prior to that, Scott served as General Manager for GreenWaste of Palo Alto for 13 years helping to create a safe and successful overall operation. As the GM of Green Waste, Scott partnered with the City of Palo Alto to take a forward position in meeting and exceeding the cities goals related to the Sustainability and Climate action plan by the successful move to zero emission collection vehicles. 

Abstract Title

The Wild World of Refuse Fleet Electrification

Speaker Abstract

California is on the frontlines of scaling up electric vehicles to fight climate change. Indeed, CARB will phase out internal combustion engines in heavy duty vehicles, including refuse collection vehicles, by 2040. Not surprisingly, local governments and refuse collection vehicle equipment manufacturers are not waiting around until 2040 to scale up electification of refuse collection! We have compiled a panel of experts to discuss their experieinces with fleet electrification, including representitives from local governments that have hands-on experieince with fleet electrification. The VP of eMobility for Mack trucks will also be on the panel to discuss the equipment manufacturers progress toward fleet electrification. Lastly, a sustainability consultant for local governments with experieince including electrification in RFPs will share an overview of the industry and the costs and benefits presented by fleet electrification. Any local government agency that is interested in fleet electrification, or who is considering requiring their contract hauler to expand its fleet of electric vehicles, should attend this session to understand the state of the indsutry, cost inmpacts, grant funding available, the challenges of electrification, what to expect in regards to installing charging infrastrure, vehicle performance, etc. 

George Fotopoulos, Mack Trucks, Inc.

Vice President eMobility Business Unit Leader

Speaker Biography

Head of eMobility Business Unit at Mack Trucks. Responsible for the commercialization of our battery electric products and services. I'm working with customers and industry partners to accelerate the successful adoption of our carbon-zero transport solutions.

Abstract Title

The Wild World of Refuse Fleet Electrification

Speaker Abstract

California is on the frontlines of scaling up electric vehicles to fight climate change. Indeed, CARB will phase out internal combustion engines in heavy duty vehicles, including refuse collection vehicles, by 2040. Not surprisingly, local governments and refuse collection vehicle equipment manufacturers are not waiting around until 2040 to scale up electification of refuse collection! We have compiled a panel of experts to discuss their experieinces with fleet electrification, including representitives from local governments that have hands-on experieince with fleet electrification. The VP of eMobility for Mack trucks will also be on the panel to discuss the equipment manufacturers progress toward fleet electrification. Lastly, a sustainability consultant for local governments with experieince including electrification in RFPs will share an overview of the industry and the costs and benefits presented by fleet electrification. Any local government agency that is interested in fleet electrification, or who is considering requiring their contract hauler to expand its fleet of electric vehicles, should attend this session to understand the state of the indsutry, cost inmpacts, grant funding available, the challenges of electrification, what to expect in regards to installing charging infrastrure, vehicle performance, etc. 

