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CRRA 2023 Conference and Trade Show

August 13–16, 2023

Hyatt Regency Burlingame, CA

Advancing Innovative Solutions in Preventing Waste and Promoting Food Recovery

Tuesday, August 15, 2023 at 2:45 PM–4:15 PM PDT
Grand Peninsula Ballroom (E, F, G)

Organics / Edible Food Recovery



Linnea Whitney, CRRA

Conference Co-chair, Board Member/Central District

Innovations for Making the Most of Surplus Food


Organics / Edible Food Recovery


Susan Miller-Davis, Joint Venture Silicon Valley

Associate Director, Food Recovery Initiative

Speaker Biography

Susan has co-authored two recent reports: Making the Most of Surplus Food in Santa Clara County and Opportunities for Preventing and Recovering Wasted Food from Businesses and Institutions (commissioned by StopWaste in Alameda County).

Prior to joining Joint Venture, Susan ran Infinite Table, a consultancy supporting efforts to create regenerative food systems, fight food waste and tackle climate change. She also recently completed a research fellowship at Project Drawdown.

She has served in a board/advisory capacity to Zero Foodprint, Berkeley Food Network, the James Beard Foundation Full Use Kitchen Initiative, and on the NCRA Zero Food Waste Committee.

Abstract Title

Innovations for Making the Most of Surplus Food

Speaker Abstract

The presentation will focus on how Joint Venture supports county and regional efforts to expand, strengthen and promotion innovation in the areas of food waste prevention and food recovery. Through its management of the Santa Clara County Food Recovery Program and supplemental funding focused on capacity enhancements, Joint Venture works to expand the solution set as part of a county-funded umbrella initiative "Making the Most of Surplus Food," described in the 2022 report of the same name:

The initiative builds on the collective experience and insight of two regional bodies convened by Joint Venture — the Silicon Valley Food Recovery Council and the Santa Clara County Food Recovery Steering Committee — to advance innovative solutions. The solutions tackle some of the more challenging areas of food recovery, such as recovering prepared foods, leveraging existing infrastructure, and alleviating pain points in the logistics and economics of food recovery. The presentation will feature details about a variety of pilots and projects being developed by Joint Venture that test new ways to bring recovered food directly to people facing food insecurity and to make food recovery more viable and efficient for businesses and institutions covered by SB 1383. 

Attendees will learn how SB 1383 is spurring innovation in a county like Santa Clara which has a fairly robust and mature food recovery and organics recycling sector, and come away with ideas for innovative solutions for preventing food waste and promoting food recovery.

Ciara Low, Joint Venture's Food Recovery Initiative

Program Manager

Speaker Biography

Ciara's career reflects a lifelong commitment to building resilient regional food systems, strengthening food security, and reducing waste in the food sector. She most recently served as Regional Food Systems Coordinator at the Safe & Abundant Nutrition Alliance in Colorado and co-founded UpRoot Colorado where she worked to reduce on-farm agricultural surplus and increase regional food security through gleaning, Farm to Food Pantry programming, and innovative farm labor solutions, among other initiatives. She holds a BA in environmental studies from Brown University. 

Abstract Title

Innovations for Making the Most of Surplus Food

Speaker Abstract The presentation will focus on how Joint Venture supports county and regional efforts to expand, strengthen and promotion innovation in the areas of food waste prevention and food recovery. Through its management of the Santa Clara County Food Recovery Program and supplemental funding focused on capacity enhancements, Joint Venture works to expand the solution set as part of a county-funded umbrella initiative "Making the Most of Surplus Food," described in the 2022 report of the same name:

The initiative builds on the collective experience and insight of two regional bodies convened by Joint Venture — the Silicon Valley Food Recovery Council and the Santa Clara County Food Recovery Steering Committee — to advance innovative solutions. The solutions tackle some of the more challenging areas of food recovery, such as recovering prepared foods, leveraging existing infrastructure, and alleviating pain points in the logistics and economics of food recovery. The presentation will feature details about a variety of pilots and projects being developed by Joint Venture that test new ways to bring recovered food directly to people facing food insecurity and to make food recovery more viable and efficient for businesses and institutions covered by SB 1383. 

Attendees will learn how SB 1383 is spurring innovation in a county like Santa Clara which has a fairly robust and mature food recovery and organics recycling sector, and come away with ideas for innovative solutions for preventing food waste and promoting food recovery.


Creating Change through Collaboration - FoodCycle a Food Recovery Network


Organics / Edible Food Recovery

Session Description
FoodCycle LA is a food recovery organization that aims to divert surplus food to communities experiencing food insecurity. We partner with food retailers to reroute surplus food away from landfills to organizations working to feed hungry people. We accomplish this by maintaining a database of donors, volunteer drivers, and receiving agencies, which acts as a bridge between retailers and communities in need.  Our program has grown over 2000% in the past three years and is an example of a successful partnership between local and federal government, business and nonprofiits.  FoodCycle was recognized by the EPA in 2021 and received an award from CRRA for Food Recovery in 2022.
In the presentation, we will highlight key facts about food waste and insecurity in the United States, outlining the significance of FoodCycle's work. We will educate the audience about Senate Bill 1383, which requires Tier 1 businesses in California to participate in a food recovery program, and FoodCycle's outreach efforts to help these businesses become compliant. We will highlight our staff drivers who use electric vans to pick up food daily, as well as our volunteer driver program which allows anyone in Los Angeles with a vehicle to be able to make a difference.  FoodCycle will share how we have leveraged innovative technologies to maximize impact and divert more food from landfills. We will also outline personal stories from recipients of food we have recovered, and how our program has impacted their lives.


Martina Gallagher, FoodCycle

Manager Westside Operations and Outreach

Speaker Biography

For the past three years Martina has been in charge of Outreach and Operations for FoodCycle.  She has focused on building a network of volunteers and nonprofits to recover food and build a robust donation program at participating businesses.  She has focused on educating businesses and engaging their employees.

Martina is currently working with FoodCycle and the City of Santa Monica to create a food recovery network that complies with SB1383.

Abstract Title

Creating Change through Collaboration

Speaker Abstract

Martina would be part panel representing FoodCycle

Sami Duzy, FoodCycle LA

CCAC Fellow

Speaker Biography

Sami Duzy is a Fellow with the California Climate Action Corps.  Sami is working with FoodCycle LA focusing on Donor Outreach and Education.  She plays a critical role in volunteer engagement by enrolling volunteers in the Chowmatch app and helping train them in food recovery. Sam is in Masters Degree Program in Nonprofit Management at the University of Southern California and has worked in community farming in the Peace Corps in South America

Abstract Title

Creating Change through Collaboration

Speaker Abstract

This presentation would be part of a panel  of speakers from FoodCycle

Zitlally Rico, FoodCycle

California Climate Action Corps Fellow

Speaker Biography

Lolly Rico has a background in sustainability working in the fashion industry.  She is currently a California Climate Action Corps Fellow working with FoodCycle.  Lolly works with volunteers to help train them to recover food, helps with data management and tracking donations through the Careit app and assists with Donor Outreach and Education.  

Abstract Title

Creating Change through Collaboration

Speaker Abstract

Lolly would be part of a panel discussion outlined in the Abstract shared by Executive Director Nancy Beyda

