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CRRA 2023 Conference and Trade Show

August 13–16, 2023

Hyatt Regency Burlingame, CA

Four Approaches to Meeting Procurement Goals with Compost and RNG

Monday, August 14, 2023 at 10:45 AM–12:15 PM PDT
Grand Peninsula Ballroom (E, F, G)

Organics / Procurement

Session Description

This session will present a few strategies jurisdictions are using to try to meet SB 1383 procurement targets within the jurisdiction. Speakers from South San Francisco Scavenger, HDR, City of Pleasanton, and StopWaste will discuss their experience, challenges, successes and lessons learned in expanding municipal use and distribution of compost and current uses of and future considerations for RNG.


ZeeLaura Page, City of Pleasanton

Management Analyst

Speaker Biography

ZeeLaura Page, a Bay Area native has 15 + years of experience in Public Administration working for a variety of government agencies. As the Management Analyst for the City of Pleasanton, ZeeLaura currently manages the waste, recycling, energy and environment programs for the City Manager’s office, including the implementation of California State Law SB1383 and serving as staff liaison to the city’s Energy and Environment Committee. ZeeLaura holds a Bachelor of Arts in Psychology from California State University, Fresno and a Master of Public Administration, Public Management and Policy Analysis from California State University, East Bay.

Abstract Title

Coordinating a Compost Application Program Across Departments

Speaker Abstract

Developing a compost application program in the City of Pleasanton takes a coordinated effort.  Working with the tool StopWaste created, SB1383 Implementation staff, GIS staff, and Park Operations staff worked together to develop GIS mapping of all landscape areas in public parks and open space. This mapping included turfgrass, tree wells, planters, and undeveloped open space parcels. The initial plan covers a 3-year application period to help meet the goals of SB1383 compost procurement requirements. Attendees will learn methods used to create the GIS map and benefits of this tool to Parks Operation staff.

Trevor Probert, StopWaste

Program Manager

Speaker Biography

Trevor Probert is a Program Services Specialist at StopWaste. He facilitates workshops and trainings on composting and carbon farming, partners with urban farms to support on-site composting, and leads the development of compost distribution hubs in partnership with urban farms, community organizations, and StopWaste's member agencies. He has worked as an elementary school garden teacher, classroom teacher, and landscape contractor, and has bachelor degrees in Geography and Environmental Science and a master’s degree in Education. 

Abstract Title

Compost Hubs: Leveraging Procurement Requirements to Build Community

Speaker Abstract

Most cities are familiar with the compost giveaway day--long lines of cars, lots of work to plan and implement, lots of plastic to dispose.  What if there were a better way to do give aways--and what if you could also reach more people, provide education, build community and support local food systems by providing compost to people who otherwise would not be able to access it?  By providing compost to urban farms and community organizations growing (and often distributing) food, cities can establish compost hubs.  How it works: The farms/organizations use as much compost as they like, and community members can visit the hub to pick up free, quality compost.  At this time, there are three hubs up and running in Alameda County, each with a unique story.  While the amount of compost used and distributed at the hubs comes nowhere near meeting SB 1383 procurement targets, it exceeds compost distributed at giveaway days with much less work, and removes the barriers to accessing quality compost for farms and community members.  Attendees will hear about the benefits, challenges, strategies for success, and lessons learned in setting up and managing compost hubs.

John Carlton, HDR

Solid Waste Program Lead

Speaker Biography

John is HDR’s Solid Waste Program Lead based in San Diego, CA.  John provides a variety of clients with consulting services based on his 30+ years’ experience as a consultant and as an executive with public-sector authorities.  He has managed or directed services ranging from strategic planning to facility design.  In addition to consulting, John has over 12 years of experience in positions as Executive Director and Division Director for two separate public solid waste agencies.  John is a Registered Professional Engineer and holds a Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering from Duke University.

Abstract Title

Reaching Procurement Goals Through RNG to Electricity

Speaker Abstract

As solid waste managers, we are often pulled in multiple directions. Here in California, we are being asked to both achieve zero emissions in our waste collection fleets, as well as comply with SB 1383.  This presentation will evaluate the opportunities to comply with SB 1383 procurement goals and fuel ZEV fleets.  John will explore the pathway of organics to AD to RNG to electricity to ZEV fleets.  This pathway will also be evaluated as a possible way to take advantage RINs in fueling ZEV fleets.

Sam Irwin, HF&H Consultants

Associate Analyst

Speaker Biography

As a solid waste consultant, Sam Irwin has assisted in surveying solid waste rates and programs including Compost Facility tip fees, customer rates, and finished organic waste product rates and markets. Sam brings a food-centric outlook to the solid waste industry, focusing on expanding edible food recovery (preventing food waste) and the models for a circular food economy through procurement of organic waste products.

Abstract Title

Developing an SB 1383 Procurement Plan; Statistics and Case Studies

Speaker Abstract

SB 1383 requires jurisdictions to procure 0.08 tons of recovered organic waste products (ROWP) per resident per year. ROWP targets can be met through applying compost and mulch to public spaces, using renewable gas for transportation, producing electricity for biomass conversion, and more. How can jurisdictions decide which procurement method(s) will fit their needs? In this session, we will explore methods to develop a ROWP procurement plan, and ROWP statistics and case studies from jurisdictions throughout the State.


Kelly Schoonmaker, StopWaste

Senior Program Manager
