On-SIte Program for the 2023 ATRA Annual Conference September 9 - 12, 2023
*Sessions subject to change.
* ALL CEUs have been approved by NCTRC.
*Check pdf for NCTRC Specialty Certification approved courses.
Private Practice Opportunities and Successes
Session Description
This session will discuss the basic steps to creating a private practice in Recreation Therapy with specific focus on assessing need, strategizing potential, identifying your expertise, honing in on your message and getting paid. Setting up a private practice can be intimidating but the goal of this session is to assist us in asking the right questions.
Learning Outcomes
1. List 3 potential payer sources for private practice
2. Identify a population for private practice and marketing message to share with customers
3. Explain 3 basic business practice steps recommended for implementating a private practice
Presentation Track: Select ALL that Apply
Target Audience
Mid-Career Professionals
Primary Presenter
Ms. Diane Wagner-Heffner, MA, CTRS, CBIS, Home and Community Recreation