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Making a Difference in the Lives of Students (GSCA 2023 Annual Conference)

del 1 al 3 de November del 2023

Augusta, Georgia

The Contemporary and The Classic: Perspectives on Making a Difference in the Lives of Students from a Brand New School Counselor and a Veteran School Counselor

jueves, el 2 de noviembre de 2023 a las 09:15–10:15 EDT
Lamar B
Target Audience


Select the Primary experience level your Proposal will benefit the most

Appropriate for All Counselors

Please select the Primary interest area your proposal covers

Counselor Focused


From “Where do I begin?” to “How do I keep things fresh and relevant?”, learn from these two perspectives ways to organize your program, tips for working with students in all settings with take aways such as having a notebook of session plans, program development, and assessment of your program. Presenters will provide detailed information on structuring your yearly program, using data to show student growth and development, and how to advocate for your program.


Tina Neese, Centennial Arts Academy
Sydney Neese, Jackson County School System