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Making a Difference in the Lives of Students (GSCA 2023 Annual Conference)

November 1–3, 2023

Augusta, Georgia

Making a Difference in the Lives of Students using a Comprehensive District-Wide Approach to the Mental Health Needs of Students and Staff.

Friday, November 3, 2023 at 10:15 AM–11:15 AM EDT
Oglethorpe D
Target Audience


Select the Primary experience level your Proposal will benefit the most

Appropriate for All Counselors

Please select the Primary interest area your proposal covers



Is your district struggling to meet the mental health needs of your students?  Let’s talk about building a comprehensive district-wide approach to meeting this goal.  Participants will learn about a multi-tiered initiative that includes obtaining student voice, building community partnerships, providing staff wellness, school based mental health services and creating data-driven interventions.  Come learn about our passionate pursuit of mental wellness for our school community. 


Tracy Tuck, Cherokee County School District
Tara Quinn-Schuldt, Cherokee County School District
Christine Wernquist, Cherokee County School District