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Making a Difference in the Lives of Students (GSCA 2023 Annual Conference)

del 1 al 3 de November del 2023

Augusta, Georgia

Georgia’s Direct Admission Program: Helping High School Seniors Realize their Postsecondary Opportunities

viernes, el 3 de noviembre de 2023 a las 10:15–11:15 EDT
Oglethorpe F
Target Audience

Counselor Educator/Supervisor

Select the Primary experience level your Proposal will benefit the most

Appropriate for All Counselors

Please select the Primary interest area your proposal covers

Student Focused


Starting this fall, high school seniors will receive a letter from Governor Kemp providing postsecondary institutions that match their current high school credentials. Students may then access GAfutures to learn about their options as well as financial aid. Once ready, they can confirm their interest in admission to a selection of their matching institutions.  Join representatives from GSFC, GADOE, TCSG, and USG to learn about Georgia’s Direct Admission program and how it can help students.


Sarah Wenham, University System of Georgia
Andy Parsons, Georgia Student Finance Commission
Derek Dabrowiak, Technical College System of Georgia
Sheila McKeehan, Georgia Department of Education