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AAACE 2023 Annual Conference

High-Tech Agriculture to break the school to prison pipeline: Streaming the school to college pathway..

jeudi 5 octobre 2023 à 16:40–17:05 EDT
Grand Kentucky D Rounds 150 Reception 175
Title of session

High-Tech Agriculture to break the school to prison pipeline: Streaming the school to college pathway..

Select the area for the AAACE Conference


Primary Presenter

Douglas, Stedman, -

Additional/secondary Presenters

Stovall, Leandrea, Prairie View A&M University
Richardson, Roylan, Prairie View A&M University
Cedillo, Ximena, Prairie View A&M University
Hyacinth, Ladedra, Prairie View A&M University
Dr. Almoutaz El Hassan, Almoutaz, Prairie View A&M University
Donald Stoddart, Donald, Prairie View A&M
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