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Making a Difference in the Lives of Students (GSCA 2023 Annual Conference)

del 1 al 3 de November del 2023

Augusta, Georgia

What Should I Do When A Tragedy Happens? Preparing for an Emergency Response to a Crisis.

viernes, el 3 de noviembre de 2023 a las 10:15–11:15 EDT
Oglethorpe G
Target Audience

Counselor Educator/Supervisor

Select the Primary experience level your Proposal will benefit the most

Appropriate for All Counselors

Please select the Primary interest area your proposal covers

Counselor Focused


In the school counseling profession, counselors will have to manage a crisis. How prepared are you? How prepared is your district? No matter the size of your school or district - crisis management preparation is a must! This session will cover the ins and outs of managing a crisis. Participants will leave with multiple tools, tips, and templates that will assist with developing comprehensive crisis intervention plans for implementation in their schools.


Demetria Williams, Gwinnett County Public Schools
Heather Alvira, Gwinnett County Public Schools
Kimberly Geer, Gwinnett County Public Schools