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Making a Difference in the Lives of Students (GSCA 2023 Annual Conference)

November 1–3, 2023

Augusta, Georgia

Access and Equity: Empowering Students of Color by Creating Pathways to College

Friday, November 3, 2023 at 10:15 AM–11:15 AM EDT
Lamar A
Target Audience


Select the Primary experience level your Proposal will benefit the most

Appropriate for All Counselors

Please select the Primary interest area your proposal covers

Student Focused


School Counselors are in a unique position to close the achievement gaps experienced by marginalized students. School counselors are intimately involved in the selection of courses from 8th grade through senior year of high school. By identifying students of color that have not fully grasped their academic potential, school counselors can address the issue of equity and inclusion in advanced level courses and create a pathway to college for marginalized students.



Denise Hawkins, Grayson High School - GCPS/University of Georgia