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ER&L Preliminary Program Search Tool

March 3–6, 2024

Austin, Texas + Online

We are pleased to share the 19th program of the Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference reflecting our work to support the way we collect, manage, maintain, and make accessible electronic resources. 


You’ve been hacked! How libraries and publishers collaborate to mitigate unauthorized access

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 3:30 PM–4:15 PM CST add to calendar
Grand Ballroom
Live in Austin/ Stream Live Online
Conference Track

4. External Relationships

Audience Level



Cybersecurity, Vendor Relationships


Libraries and publishers play pivotal roles in information dissemination, making them prime targets for cyberthreats.  Join a panel of industry experts in discussing real-life examples, best practices, and the importance of cybersecurity collaboration. Gain insights and practical steps to enhance these partnerships, and strategies for combating unauthorized access and threats.


Matthew Ragucci, John Wiley & Sons
Emily Singley, Elsevier
David W. Green, State Library of Ohio
Mr. John Felts, Jr., MLIS, Coastal Carolina University
Stacy Best Ruel, SpringerNature