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ER&L Preliminary Program Search Tool

del 3 al 6 de March del 2024

Austin, Texas + Online

We are pleased to share the 19th program of the Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference reflecting our work to support the way we collect, manage, maintain, and make accessible electronic resources. 


All Aboard the SUSHI Train: When the destination is more important than the journey

martes, el 5 de marzo de 2024 a las 14:15–15:15 CST add to calendar
Online Conference Platform
Watch On-Demand/ ePoster
Conference Track

2. Collection Development & Assessment

Audience Level



SUSHI, Usage data


As more electronic resources become COUNTER(R5) compliant, we have more comparable usage data available to us, however, we may not have the time nor staffing to collect all this data, let alone analyse it. Activating automated SUSHI harvesting wherever supported, frees up staff time for more effective collection assessment.


Michelle Morgan, The University of Melbourne