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ER&L Preliminary Program Search Tool

March 3–6, 2024

Austin, Texas + Online

We are pleased to share the 19th program of the Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference reflecting our work to support the way we collect, manage, maintain, and make accessible electronic resources. 


Avoiding Dystopia in Succession Planning: Using Science Fiction To Inform Documenting Workflows

Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 2:15 PM–3:15 PM CST add to calendar
Online Conference Platform
Watch On-Demand/ ePoster
Conference Track

3. Organizational Strategies

Audience Level



Documenting Workflows, Succession Planning


Starting in 2020, the Mardigian Library's Tech Systems team saw retirements which led to a combined 80-year loss of cataloging experience. These major losses of institutional knowledge forced us to revise how workflows were documented in order to anticipate future staffing changes. These revisions are discussed in this presentation. 


Timothy Streasick, University of Michigan-Dearborn