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ER&L Preliminary Program Search Tool

March 3–6, 2024

Austin, Texas + Online

We are pleased to share the 19th program of the Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference reflecting our work to support the way we collect, manage, maintain, and make accessible electronic resources. 


Workshop 1: ALMA License Module: Tips and Strategies for completing this stressful assignment with ease.

Sunday, March 3, 2024 at 1:00 PM–5:00 PM CST add to calendar
AT&T Conference Center
Pre-Conference Workshop/ Live in Austin only/ Additional Ticket Required
Conference Track

1. E-Resources Management & Licensing

Audience Level



License Management; ALMA LIcense Module


Managing license agreements is an important assignment for E-Resources librarians.  ALMA license module ensures managing license agreements and displaying copyright and ILL permissions in search results. This session provides a workflow for creating license records, adding licensing terms, linking relevant PO lines, inventory and effectively attaching license agreements to e-collections. 


Anjana H Bhatt, Florida Gulf Coast University