BucPath to Payoff: Creating a Visual Model for Student Success
Session Description
This hands-on session will start you on the road to developing a visual guide for student success to use on your campus. Students are often inundated with checklists without an overview of how landmark activities build each year. Focusing on these benchmark activities help students make the most of their college experience, both in and out of the classroom. East Tennessee State University developed the “BucPath” as a big picture visual guide for students to use to build understanding of the full college experience. Working in small groups, participants will discuss and receive the tools to create a draft of individualized models for student success
Session Focus
Credit Programming
Session Audience
Program Staff
Deans & Senior Administrators
Student Services Providers
Primary Presenter
![Carla R. Warner, East Tennessee State University [photo]](https://8ca84662c5b8f0cff50d-4baaaf97d63fd7b01243e1b1c57f0cc1.ssl.cf1.rackcdn.com/1230/profile_32b9275ad48967ead54df4268d198e54.png)
Carla R. Warner, East Tennessee State University
Contact information
warnerc@etsu.edu; 423-439-5642
Brief Bio
Carla Warner, Ed.D. has 25 years of experience in higher education with East Tennessee State University. She is the Director of Adult, Commuter and Transfer Services at ETSU as well as adjunct faculty in the Master of Professional Studies program at ETSU. She has doctorate of education from East Tennessee State University and a Master’s Degree in Adult and Continuing Education from the University of Nebraska.
Additional Presenter #1
![Amy Johnson, East Tennessee State University [photo]](https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/5794df5aeebda4aacdc47f5aafdfdb95.png?d=https://proposalspace.com/images/no_photo.png&r=PG&s=50)
Amy Johnson, East Tennessee State University
Contact Information
Brief Bio
Amy Johnson is director of ETSU’s Quality Enhancement Plan. She has 10 years of experience in adult and continuing education and her dissertation research explored characteristics of successful adult degree-completion students.
Additional Presenter #2
![Jennifer Rice, East Tennessee State University [photo]](https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/e13fb5a266f5d0f72f8b974b42687acf.png?d=https://proposalspace.com/images/no_photo.png&r=PG&s=50)
Jennifer Rice, East Tennessee State University
Contact Information
Brief Bio
Jennifer Rice, MPS, has 12 years of experience in higher education at East Tennessee State University. She is the Assistant Director of Adult, Commuter and Transfer Services at ETSU. She has a Masters of Professional Studies degree with a concentration in Strategic Leadership from ETSU and is working on a doctorate in higher education.