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IGeLU 2024

del 9 al 12 de September del 2024

Note: An Excel export of the full program will be available at the end of August.
Conference page: 

Supporting Cross-Session Searching: Dilex Search and Search Timelines

miércoles, el 11 de septiembre de 2024 a las 11:15–11:45 CEST add to calendar
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The common design pattern for library search interfaces includes a query box, a search results list, facets to support query refinement, and a workspace in which to save search results. Such interfaces favour simplicity and learnability, limiting their ability to support searchers who have complex information needs that span multiple search sessions. A recent focus of our research group has been to design, implement, and study new approaches to support cross-session searching. The implementation of such interfaces has been enabled through the use of the Primo and Polaris APIs. Two particularly successful approaches will be demonstrated: Dilex Search and Search Timelines. Both use semi-automatic methods for keeping track of search tasks and visualization to show past search behaviour to enable task resumption. For Dilex Search, we have fast-tracked the transition from research prototype to commercial product development. It is now available for deployment within Ex Libris ecosystems.



Products or Areas of Focus
Primo / Primo VE
Innovative Products (Sierra, Vega...)


Orland Hoeber, Professor, University of Regina & Dilex Search
LinkedIn URL
Dale Storie, Associate Dean (Research), University of Regina
LinkedIn URL


Stacey van Groll, Manager, Discovery and Access, University of Queensland
LinkedIn URL

Asbjørn Risan, Product Owner, Sikt
LinkedIn URL
