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IGeLU 2024

September 9–12, 2024

Note: An Excel export of the full program will be available at the end of August.
Conference page: 

Creating a local Community of Practice across four Melbourne Alma Libraries

Wednesday, September 11, 2024 at 11:55 AM–12:25 PM CEST add to calendar
Sankt Hans Torv
Event part



Embark on a journey "beyond limits and differences" into the collaborative Community of Practice sessions involving four Melbourne Alma-using libraries. This presentation showcases how these sessions have ignited innovative dialogues and shared discoveries, while forging a stronger bond across our local community network. Explore how the dynamic exchange of ideas between RMIT University, La Trobe University, the State Library of Victoria and Monash University was facilitated through discussions covering licence management, collections set up, ordering and metadata. The presentation will cover how these sessions were organised, highlights of discovered differences and the benefits of initiating Communities of Practice on a local level.


Conference theme: Beyond Limits and Differences: Data, Hidden Treasures and Mermaids...

Products or Areas of Focus
Primo / Primo VE


Ella Rohde-Condon, Library Collections Specialist, La Trobe University
LinkedIn URL


Giulia La Versa, Library Support Service, Università degli Studi di Siena
LinkedIn URL

Dave Allen, IGeLU Chair, State Library of Queensland
LinkedIn URL
