Building a Community of Care Across the University for Equity and Inclusion
Presentation Type
Pre-Convention Workshops (1 full day/6 hour workshop)
Presentation Abstract (250 word max.)
How can postsecondary institutions imagine and create a sustainable community of care to promote student success, institutional equity, and organizational thrivig? In this interactive workshop, participants will learn how activating compassion can be a catalyst that creates a community of learners at all levels. After establishing a common understanding of how care can function in higher education, participants will consider the multiple ways compassion shows up in different scenarios, roles, and networks. The main takeaway from this workshop will be for participants to identify the resources and priorities they may need to develop an active and sustainable community of care that is both agile and responsive to the institution’s needs and centers individual and organizational wellness.
Through participation in this session presenters and participants will:
- Engage in collaborative higher education problem-solving.
- Discuss shared struggles and explore approaches across institutions.
- Learn about approaches and outcomes from other institutions around attempts to improve culture and overcome obstacles.
- Through a scenario card game, participants will understand roles they can play in improving and supporting a community of care rooted in accountability.