4-P Model to Support Adult Learner Access & Success
Presentation Type
30-Minute Presentations
Presentation Abstract (250 word max.)
The Division of Continuing Studies, a leader in serving adult and contemporary learners for over 70 years, offers the largest adult-focused undergraduate program in the University of Nebraska system. As the postsecondary landscape evolves, so have our programs and services, allowing our unit and our learners to thrive in an increasingly competitive higher education landscape. Within the last five years, especially, DCS continues to thrive despite the competition to attract, retain, and graduate increasingly diverse, multigenerational learners who seek higher education as a pathway to opportunity, by focusing on the 4P Model that guides how we a) identify obstacles and barriers while b) simultaneously advocating for and creating an inclusive learning ecosystem for adult and contemporary learners within our institution. Attendees will learn how to utilize this descriptive tool and action framework to create learner-centered, micro-institutional change.