The HUX MA Reboot: Teach-Outs, Redesigns, and Reflections on the Lifecycle of an Academic Program
Presentation Type
30-Minute Presentations
Presentation Abstract (250 word max.)
Dr. Matthew S. Luckett is the director of the Humanities MA (HUX) program at California State University Dominguez Hills. Between 2016 and 2021 his work focused on teaching out the Legacy MA program and advising its remaining students. Beginning in 2020, however, his focus shifted toward rebooting the HUX program as a hybrid correspondence/online program for incarcerated students, who mostly lack viable graduate educational options across the United States. In this session, Dr. Luckett shares his unique perspective on the life cycle of an academic program by discussing the lessons he learned about equitably, empathetically, and efficiently guiding a program teach-out. He also discusses how he pivoted from closing a program to planning, designing, and launching its eventual replacement. Overall, Dr. Luckett argues, even if a taught-out program has no chance of being redeployed or redesigned in the future, a closing program still contain valuable opportunities for students, faculty, and institutions alike to maximize learning, growth, and return on investment.