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Cockpit: a user-friendly central office dashboard
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This talk will present Cockpit, a software-based platform built to integrate with Alma and facilitate the everyday tasks of a central office. The Swiss library network “Renouvaud” is formed of 150 academic, scientific, heritage, public and school libraries and employs over 650 members of staff. Management of the system is in the responsibility of the central office.
Still a work in progress, Cockpit provides a single point of entry to a set of tools that allow librarians to independently manage and schedule some routine administrative tasks such as calendar updates, rescheduling of loans, staff login management or location changes. Granting the network librarians access to Cockpit lets them take control over such activities, as central office operates only as moderator of the requests. This dashboard gives an overview of recurring operations and allows librarians and central office staff to dedicate the freed-up time to more attractive tasks and projects.
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