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2024 ATRA Annual Conference - Together We Thrive, Together We Rise

October 12–15, 2024

Kansas City, MO - KC Marriott Country Club Plaza

The following is the FINAL program and schedule for the 2024 ATRA Annual Conference in Kansas City, MO. Presentations, times and other details have been finalized but may change onsite due to unforeseeable circumstances. 

Regarding CEUs, NCTRC has pre-approved all educational sessions. Poster presentations are not eligible for CEUs. For specialty certification designation, please check the pdf version of the program.  

Please note that all attendees, exhibitors, and guests are expected to follow the ATRA Conference Code of Conduct. To review this, please visit


The Role for Recreational Therapy in Our Epidemic of Loneliness and Isolation

Sunday, October 13, 2024 at 3:30 PM–5:00 PM CDT
Grand Ballroom FG

Primary Presenter

Bryan McCormick, Temple University


Biographical Information

Bryan McCormick is a professor in the Department of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences in the College of Public Health at Temple University and a Principal Investigator with the Temple University Collaborative on Community Inclusion. Dr. McCormick is a past president of the American Therapeutic Recreation Association and is a fellow in the Academy of Leisure Sciences and the National Academy of Recreational Therapists. He is the author or co-author of over 90 peer-reviewed publications, 5 books and 22 book chapters. He is the principal investigator of the project Being Needed: Building Social Connections that Matter to Reduce Social Isolation and Loneliness (90DPCP0011-01-00) funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living and Rehabilitation Research. This work is focused on identifying risk and protective factors for social isolation and loneliness among community-living adults with serious mental illness, as well as developing and testing interventions. He is a two-time recipient of the Fulbright Scholarship to conduct research and provide lectures on psychiatric services in Serbia (2010) and Bosnia and Herzegovina (2017). Dr. McCormick has provided trainings in the US and internationally on the use of recreation as a form of psychosocial intervention in psychiatric rehabilitation. His teaching focuses on recreational therapy in psychiatric rehabilitation, and intervention research methods.

