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European Social Marketing Conference 2024

November 4–6, 2024

Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Use of VKJ mobile app in improving knowledge and awareness of alcohol‑related harm

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 at 11:25 AM–11:45 AM CET add to calendar
White Hall 1
Proposed Conference Track

1. Health and wellbeing

Session Theme

Technology and social marketing

Programme Listing

In recent decades, there has been rapid development of new technologies, including specific tools such as mobile apps, which open up new opportunities for delivering health information and behaviour change interventions. However, despite the large number of mobile apps targeting weight management, apps for improving awareness about alcohol-related harm are relatively scarce. Therefore, our research provides some new information about the usefulness of such tools.

Primary Contact

Sandra Rados Krnel, National Institute of Public Health
Job Title

National Expert


Sandra Rados Krnel, National Institute of Public Health
Job Title

National Expert

Igor Pravst, Inštitut za nutricionistiko, Ljubljana; Univerza v Ljubljani, Biotehnična fakulteta; VIST - Fakulteta za aplikativne vede, Ljubljana
Job Title

Head of the Research Group

Maša Hribar, Inštitut za nutricionistiko Ljubljana
Job Title


Bojan Blažica, Inštitut Jožef Štefan, Ljubljana
Job Title


Anita Kušar, Inštitut za nutricionistiko Ljubljana
Job Title

