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European Social Marketing Conference 2024

del 4 al 6 de November del 2024

Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Enhancing Comorbidity Mitigation Interventions through a Health Literacy and Empowerment Framework: Insights from a Qualitative Study on Tobacco and Diabetes

martes, el 5 de noviembre de 2024 a las 11:25–11:45 CET add to calendar
White Hall 2
Proposed Conference Track

1. Health and wellbeing

Session Theme

People & wellbeing

Programme Listing

The aim of this presentation is to help design mitigating interventions for patients with multiple pathologies to help them better manage their health. We propose a framework detailing four typical profiles and the strategies and actions to be prioritised for each profile.

Primary Contact

Marie-Laure Mourre, Université Paris Est Créteil - France
Job Title

Associate Professor


Marie-Laure Mourre, Université Paris Est Créteil
Job Title

Associate Professor
