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European Social Marketing Conference 2024

du 4 au 6 November 2024

Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Empowering Rural Women Entrepreneurs to Disseminating Public Health Messages: An Innovative Business Model in Bangladesh

mercredi 6 novembre 2024 à 11:15–11:35 CET add to calendar
White Hall 1
Proposed Conference Track

1. Health and wellbeing

Session Theme

People & wellbeing

Programme Listing

The women entrepreneurship initiative of SMC is one of the proven models in public helath sector in Bangladesh which could be replicated anywhere in the world. The trained women disseminate health information and sell public health products and thereby earn a profit margin on the sales they make. SMC does not pay any remuneration to these women for their engagement in the business rather provides mentoring support to develop them as entrepreneurs.

Primary Contact

Mohammad Mohiuddin Ahmed, Masters in Sociology, Social Marketing Company (SMC) and Dhaka, Bangladesh
Job Title

Additional General Manager, Program Marketing and BCC


Mohammad Mohiuddin Ahmed, Masters in Sociology, Social Marketing Company (SMC) and Dhaka, Bangladesh
Job Title

Additional General Manager, Program Marketing and BCC

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