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European Social Marketing Conference 2024

del 4 al 6 de November del 2024

Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Segmenting audiences to better inform pro-environmental behavior

miércoles, el 6 de noviembre de 2024 a las 14:20–14:30 CET add to calendar
Glass Hall 1
Proposed Conference Track

2. Planetary health: Environment and sustainability

Session Theme

Environment & sustainability

Programme Listing

If you attend this session, you can expect to learn about several case studies where social marketing was utilized to influence pro-environmental behavior. It will focus on segmenting an audience beyond demographics to influence behavior change around stormwater pollution and climate change. Failures and challenges will be shared so that attendees will walk away with the idea of creating better socio-ecological programmatic outcomes. 

Primary Contact

Amanda Rockler, University of Maryland at College Park
Job Title

Watershed Restoration Specialist


Amanda Rockler, UMD
Job Title

Watershed Restoration Specialist
