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European Social Marketing Conference 2024

November 4–6, 2024

Grand Hotel Union, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Taste the Change: intervention to encourage healthy and planet friendly diet in the university campus

Wednesday, November 6, 2024 at 11:40 AM–12:00 PM CET add to calendar
White Hall 2
Proposed Conference Track

9. Food and the environment

Session Theme

Environment & sustainability

Programme Listing

You will be able to gain insights from a recently implemented social marketing intervention Taste the Change co-designed at micro, mezzo and macro level to encourage planet friendly food-related behaviour at the Faculty of Social Sciences University of Ljubljana. Learning from out practical case you will be able to better understand effective approaches to enabling planet friendly food consumption and use the gained knowledge to inform your own potential further efforts to encourage planet friendly behaviours.

Primary Contact

dr. Sinja Čož, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences
Job Title



dr. Sinja Čož, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences
Job Title


dr. Tanja Kamin, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences
Job Title


Dora Matejak, University of Ljubljana Faculty of Social Sciences
Job Title

