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2012 National Conference

del 12 al 14 de March del 2012

Seattle, WA

Short Talk 1B: How We Decide: Computers vs. Filters

martes, el 13 de marzo de 2012 a las 13:20–13:45 PDT
Grand I (Grand Level)
Session Designer

Andy Goodman, The Goodman Center

Session Description

Sometimes your brain functions like a computer, taking in information, carefully evaluating it, and objectively arriving at a decision. But other times it works more like a filter, with emotions and stories dictating which facts will be let in and which will be ignored. When you want to influence the decision-making of a particular audience, it’s worth knowing how they will respond — computer or filter — and Andy Goodman will review some fascinating brain science research that will help you know what to expect the next time you reach out.


Andy Goodman, The Goodman Center
Speaker Biography

Andy Goodman is a nationally recognized author, speaker and consultant in the field of public interest communications. Along with the book, "Storytelling as Best Practice", he is author of "Why Bad Ads Happen to Good Causes" and "Why Bad Presentations Happen to Good Causes". He also publishes a monthly journal, free-range thinking, to share best practices in the field.

He has been invited to speak at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government, the Woodrow Wilson School of Public Affairs at Princeton, Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business as well as at major foundation and nonprofit conferences. To learn more about his work, please visit and

Materiales de la sesión
