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2025 Annual Conference

du 15 au 17 April 2025

Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

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F3c IT-Mindfulness and Fintech Adoption: Exploring Mediators and Moderators of Usage Intentions

jeudi 17 avril 2025 à 08:00–09:30 CDT
Room 3
Short Description

In today’s digital age, financial technology (fintech) innovations are revolutionizing the way individuals and businesses manage financial transactions and services.  As more individuals rely on digital platforms for financial management, understanding the psychological and cognitive factors that influence the adoption of fintech becomes essential. A key aspect of this study is the incorporation of IT-mindfulness, a concept derived from mindfulness research but adapted to reflect how users engage with technology. This study employs the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) to explore the determinants of fintech adoption. This study extends TAM by incorporating IT-mindfulness as a precursor to these traditional determinants, hypothesizing that users who exhibit higher levels of IT-mindfulness are more likely to perceive fintech platforms as easy to use and useful. Moreover, this study introduces digital technology self-efficacy and financial literacy as key variables in understanding fintech adoption. This comprehensive model aims to provide a deeper understanding of how cognitive factors like IT-mindfulness interact with traditional TAM variables and personal competencies to influence users' fintech adoption behaviors.

Type of presentation

Accepted Oral Presentation


Mousumi Singha Mahapatra, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India


Mousumi Singha Mahapatra, Institute of Public Enterprise, Hyderabad, India
Kexin Meng, Zhejiang Lab, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, China
Jing Jian Xiao, University of Rhode Island, USA
S Sreenivasa Murthy, Institute of Public Enterprise
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