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2025 Annual Conference

du 15 au 17 April 2025

Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The date, time, and room assignment of YOUR presentation is SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

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Confirm your place in the schedule by following the instructions that were emailed to you. Each presentation must have a separate paid registration. Contact the ACCI office immedicately by email at to report any conflict, all corrections to the details of the presentation (including author names and the order they are listed as this is how it will be in the final program), or if you have any questions. Please be sure to reference the session title(s), date(s), and time(s) when you contact us.

H1a Exploring the Role of Social Motives in the Enjoyment of Consumption

jeudi 17 avril 2025 à 13:00–14:30 CDT
Room 1
Short Description

Research shows that consumers enjoy shopping and consuming with others but also that the enjoyment of companionship is diminished during consumption as compared to non-consumption activities. All else being equal, as commercial locations substitute for public spaces (parks, boulevards) as loci for social interaction in large cities, collective well-being should be expected to diminish. A better understanding of what drives enjoyment of companionship during consumption at retail locations, as well as the individual differences in responses to those drivers, may point to avenues to further collective well-being in urban areas. This research explores the role of fundamental social motives, specifically affiliation need, need for independence and fear of exclusion (Neel et al. 2016) in predicting the enjoyment of consumption experiences. As they drive social behavior, we expect social motives to predict enjoyment of consumption experiences.

Type of presentation

Accepted Oral Presentation


Jose Domingo Mora, UMass Dartmouth


Jose Domingo Mora, UMass Dartmouth
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