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A4b Food as Medicine in Underserved Areas: Diverse Responses of the Veggie Rx Model
Short Description
People with the lowest socio-economic status, often ethnic minorities residing in impoverished neighborhoods, are disproportionately affected. Research studies employing a “bottom-up” approach offer excellent insights into the intersection of poverty and health. This research investigates the effectiveness of the Veggie Rx program by exploring participants’ sustained lifestyle changes and the dissemination of these new practices within their families and social networks 12 months after program completion. Despite the potential benefits of Veggie Rx, not everyone who participates in the program is able to make sustainable lifestyle changes. This is often due to various barriers, such as macroenvironment, socio-cultural environment, and patients’ internal factors, such as mental state and other health issues. By examining the lived experiences of individuals from underserviced communities, we can gain a deeper understanding of behavior change over time and assist health advocates in developing strategies to enhance community well-being.
Type of presentation
Accepted Oral Presentation