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2025 Annual Conference

du 15 au 17 April 2025

Omni William Penn, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

IMPORTANT NOTICE: The date, time, and room assignment of YOUR presentation is SUBJECT TO CHANGE.

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H4b Mindful Consumption in Digital Spaces: Exploring the Impact of Mindfulness on Consumer Responses to Targeted Advertising and Influencer Marketing

jeudi 17 avril 2025 à 13:00–14:30 CDT
Room 4
Short Description

This paper addresses the theme and issues relating to mindfulness-based dynamics in the formation of consumer responses within digital spaces, such as resistance towards targeted advertisement. With the rapid development of e-shopping platforms and online social media, new attention has been attracted regarding the influence that these ultrasophisticated persuasive strategies will have on consumer autonomy and decision-making. The study tests whether people who are more mindful are more likely to welcome a closer scrutiny of tailored ads, which would therefore result in more considerate and purposeful buying behaviors. Utilizing mixed method technique, the study aims to measure the impact of mindfulness on consumer's attitude towards targeted ads and their decision to purchase such promoted products/services as a response to the strategies in digital marketing. Deepening the understanding of mindful consumption in digital spaces will offer practical implications for developing approaches to marketing that are suited to more conscious consumer values.The present review tries to synthesize the latest literature in three key areas: mindfulness in digital environments, online shopping behavior, and consumer resistance to targeted advertising. 



Type of presentation

Accepted Poster Presentation


Preetha Menon, FLAME University


Abhijeet Chitalkar, FLAME University
Preetha Menon, FLAME University
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