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ER&L 2015

del 22 al 25 de February del 2015

Austin, Texas

Visit our "Search the ER&L 2015 Program" page to peruse all the accepted and peer-reviewed sessions for the 10th Anniversary Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference, February 22-25, 2015.

Click to view information about ER&L 2015 Online and Austin registration.


Evidence based collection models: not your traditional DDA

lunes, el 23 de febrero de 2015 a las 16:15–17:00 CST
Room 204
Conference Track

1. Managing e-Resources & Licensing


e-Books, patron driven acquisition

Learning Objectives

Attendees can expect to learn best practices for implementing a usage based collection management program.


More libraries are moving to new online book purchase models to ensure they are getting what they need for their patrons within their allotted budget.  Evidenced based collection management is not a new term in collections development but new approaches are being developed that gives the library back the control to purchase based on their patron activity.

This session will look at a new approach that gives librarians more flexibility over building their digital library.  Wiley’s usage based collection management model allows libraries to present a large set of titles to their patrons and make a purchase selection based on evidence of demand.  There are no automatic triggers for purchasing so the librarian still has the purchasing control.

Attendees will hear from a panel of librarians who are using this usage based collection management model.  Wiley moderator, Lisa Nachtigall, will facilitate the panel discussion from the librarians.  Attendees can expect to learn best practices for implementing a program like this, promoting and socializing to patrons, and key learnings and challenges.


Lisa Nachtigall, Wiley
Ms. Galadriel Chilton, University of Connecticut
Monica Metz-Wiseman, University of South Florida
Robert Murdoch, Associate University Librarian for Collection Development & Technical Services, Brigham Young University