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ER&L 2015

del 22 al 25 de February del 2015

Austin, Texas

Visit our "Search the ER&L 2015 Program" page to peruse all the accepted and peer-reviewed sessions for the 10th Anniversary Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference, February 22-25, 2015.

Click to view information about ER&L 2015 Online and Austin registration.


Short Talks: Staffing and Organizations

martes, el 24 de febrero de 2015 a las 13:15–14:00 CST
Room 204

This "Staffing & Organizations"-themed session is comprised of three 15-minute, peer-reviewed ER&L short talks. In ER&L short talk sessions, presenters will change every 15 minutes (after an individual presentation and brief Q&A period.) 

[Moderator: Connie Stovall, Virginia Tech]


Title: Re-reorganization of Technical Services Departments to reflect increases in electronic content

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A department manager's retirement led the O’Neill Library to reexamine its organizational structure, and to analyze the ways in which it no longer fit the work that was performed.  Since its last re-organization, many problems had been improved upon, a new-next-generation library system was implemented, and more content is electronic.  


Title: Emphasizing E-Resources and Financial Soundness: Reorganzing the Staff Complement in Technical Services at Carleton University Library

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Between the years 2011-2014, two organizational reviews, a financial audit, and a published self-study were undertaken and informed the recent recalibration of technical services at Carleton University Library.  This short talk will discuss how we re-emphasized the purchase and processing of e-resources and how financial efficiencies and safeguards were implemented.


Title: Take the helm and swab the decks: leading a small, academic e-resources team

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Managing e-resources challenges even the best librarians. But how can a small, academic library crippled by chronic understaffing provide cutting-edge service with a skeleton crew? The presenter will describe his process for 'managing up', encouraging innovation from below, and reaching across the barrier to collaborate with public services librarians.


Amy Dumouchel, MLIS, AAS, MSPS, Boston College
David Sharp, Carleton University Library
Nathan Carlson, Metropolitan State University