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ER&L 2015

del 22 al 25 de February del 2015

Austin, Texas

Visit our "Search the ER&L 2015 Program" page to peruse all the accepted and peer-reviewed sessions for the 10th Anniversary Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference, February 22-25, 2015.

Click to view information about ER&L 2015 Online and Austin registration.


ERM With a Side of R&IS: Juggling Split Roles in Small Academic Libraries

lunes, el 23 de febrero de 2015 a las 14:30–14:45 CST
Room 204
Conference Track

1. Managing e-Resources & Licensing


time management, split job roles

Learning Objectives

Following this session, participants will be able to formulate strategies to balance divergent job roles and manage electronic resources with limited time and resources.


How do you balance responsibilities in a job with multiple roles? This panel session will detail the challenges faced by librarians with split responsibilities in e-Resources and Research & Instruction, and the approaches they take to maximize their efforts in both departments. Emphasis will be given to strategies which address time and resource constraints in the management of electronic resources.


Ben Jahre, Lafayette College
Alana Verminski, St. Mary's College of Maryland