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ER&L 2015

del 22 al 25 de February del 2015

Austin, Texas

Visit our "Search the ER&L 2015 Program" page to peruse all the accepted and peer-reviewed sessions for the 10th Anniversary Electronic Resources and Libraries Conference, February 22-25, 2015.

Click to view information about ER&L 2015 Online and Austin registration.


Creating a Blueprint for Managing E-Resources: Preparing for Retirements

lunes, el 23 de febrero de 2015 a las 14:45–15:00 CST
Room 301
Conference Track

3. Organizational Strategies


Preparation and planning for change, new/interim leadership

Learning Objectives

The presenters will discuss preparing staff and library administrators when there are retirements or unexpected vacancies in e-resources management leadership positions.   A “blueprint” for managing the responsibilities of the vacant position on an interim basis will be discussed, using NASIG Core Competencies and the electronic resources life cycle.


Gayle Baker, University of Tennessee Libraries
Micheline Westfall, University of Tennessee Libraries